Delivering outstanding PE, PPA, CPD and School club solutions to Primary Schools across York and North Yorkshire for 17 years.
Over the past 17 years, we have supported Primary Schools across the whole Yorkshire region. Our PE, PPA, CPD and school club solutions enable Heads and PE leads to deliver exceptional PE curriculums, cover often tricky to sort PPA time, upskill staff and to deliver out of school childcare solutions which meet busy parents demands. With qualified teachers at the heart of the business and a team of 14 full time coaches, we are skilled and passionate about supporting schools and communities across the region and seeing your children thrive through the power of sport!
Below is a selection of case studies from schools we currently work in which gives you an overview of how we deliver outstanding provision to a range of settings. Our network of schools currently extends to 45+ schools in York, East, North and West Yorkshire and the remote Yorkshire dales, with every school receiving a tailored service.
Case Study; PPA Cover at Darley & Summerbridge Federation, Yorkshire Dales
Our PPA provision currently supports 2 small village schools in the Yorkshire dales 4 days a week. Tailoring our delivery to the schools needs, our coach splits his time at each school 2 days a week, covering all of their required PPA and leadership time. Teaching from our set LTP and OFSTED approved session plans, we currently deliver outstanding PE to all year groups across both schools with class sizes varying from 10 reception children to 30 children in a mixed year 4, 5 & 6 group.
The school were previously struggling with covering their PPA time, delivering outstanding PE to all year groups and utilising their sports premium money. Liaising with the head and understanding his and the schools requirements, our degree qualified coach took over both schools PPA cover, enabling all pupils to access a minimum of 2 hours of high quality PE every week. Our coach also supports the schools wider requirements, organising swimming, setting up lunchtime clubs and generally covering the schools PPA and PE requirements.
Case Study; CPD & Utilising Sports Premium at Rufforth Primary School, York
Our CPD programme is currently supporting teachers and HLTA’s at Rufforth Primary School with the deliver of PE to children across the school. Working from our structured OFSTED approved programme, teachers have been able to observe best practice, deliver sessions with support from our team and have opportunities to reflect on progress. Our coach, who has been supporting schools for over 15 years, has become a part of the Rufforth community with children and the wider community benefitting from their support.
Our staff member works at the school 2 days a week, supporting children and teachers from reception to year 6. Staff have had consistent opportunities to initially observe our team delivering all areas of the curriculum both inside the hall and outside on the playground and the field. Our coach meets with staff members prior to sessions, explains the plan and how he will progress learning. The teacher then observes the session, making notes on delivery, teaching style and assessment. The following week, the teacher then takes the same session with our coach observing and supporting; this enables the teacher to recall on best practice and apply it the following week with the guidance of our trained professional.
We also support Rufforth with making the most from their sports premium fund. Over the past number of years, Rufforth has received support from our qualified teaching team with their long term plans, skill progression documents and wider OFSTED requirements; this reflected in their recent OFSTED inspection. We have also supported the school with their delivery of funded clubs, access to competitions and wider sports enhancement days.
Case Study; School Clubs at Huntington Primary Academy, York
We have supported Huntington Primary Academy for over 10 years with their delivery of PPA, CPD and School clubs. Our coach works 5 days a week at the school, teaching every year group a minimum of 2 hours of curriculum PE every single week. We also deliver after school clubs and lunchtime clubs every single day, all of which are aimed at different groups of children across the school.
Over the past 10 years, we have provided opportunities for 100s of children every single week to engage in sport away from the school day. This has enabled children to thrive through the power of sport, with all clubs being consistently at capacity, the schools football, netball, dodgeball and athletics teams have all enjoyed success at local and national competitions. Our clubs are also aimed at inactive pupils and engaging these children in sport. Through organising targeted clubs at these children, the school has seen a real shift over the past 10 years in attitudes towards sport and pupil participation. Moreover, lunchtime play leader clubs have enabled children to gain key leadership and team work skills, ensuring sports activities are accessible at all times of the day.
Case Study; Wrap Around at Headlands Primary School, York
Alongside delivering PPA cover 2 days a week at Headlands, we also deliver the schools breakfast & evening wrap around care clubs every single day of the school term. The wrap around childcare club enables busy working parents to drop their children off from 7:30am every morning and collect as late as 5:30pm and is ran by our DBS checked qualified staff.
Working alongside the school, the club is designed to suit parents and to deliver a safe and stimulating space for children from all year groups. Utilising a building on the site, children are provided with food and activities every single day, with parents being able to book the provision when they require. The club is OFSTED registered and managed by an experienced team member, who’s background is in managing nurseries and other larger scale wrap around settings.
Our team manage the running of the club from its registration, to staffing, activities, food shop, bookings, parent liaison and delivery. The club provides a consistent service to busy parents every single day of the school term.
Case Study; Competitions at Naburn C.E. Primary School, York
We currently support Naburn Primary with PPA & CPD 2 days a week alongside sports premium and competition provision. The school is a small village school with mixed year groups and children from different sporting backgrounds. Our competitions calendar over the last few years has enabled pupils to visit other local schools, take part in a range of sports competitions and develop key transferable skills.
Mixed age group classes who wouldn’t normally be able to access school events have been able to put what they’ve learnt during session to the test at our tailored competitions, with teams from year 3-6 competing in football, dodgeball and athletics competitions so far this year, all funded by utilising their sports premium fund.

How Can My School Get Involved?
We would love to support your setting with its delivery of PPA and excellent enriching PE! To submit an enquiry, simply complete the contact form, once completed a member of the head office team will be in touch to organise an initial meeting at your school. We will then discuss how we can support your school and requirements!