Enriching Before & After School Clubs Which Foster A Love For Sport Outside Of The School Day
Before & After School Clubs play a vital role in your school day and the lives of your community. Enriching and exciting clubs provide oppotunities for children to engage in sport away from the school day, they provide families with vital childcare and develop life long skills which children can utilise in their learning. Total Sports runs Before & After School Clubs every single day of the school term across York and the Yorkshire region, providing around opportunities for around 1000 children aged 5-11 to participate in extra curricular sport every single week.
Our clubs are diverse and tailored to the settings in which we work. We understand that different communities have different extra curricular needs; our school clubs provide children from reception to year 6 with enriching activities which foster a life long love for sport and provide opportunities for further engagement in clubs away from school.
Provided by members of our full time teaching team, our before & after school clubs are delivered at schools across York and the wider Yorkshire region. Read below how a club would work at your school and the benefits they bring to your pupils!

School Clubs Which Inspire A Love Of Sport Away From The School Day
Having supported schools for over 17 years, we understand the critical importance clubs are to the whole community. Excellent clubs ensure children are engaging in extra curricular opportunities, further developing key skills whilst also ensuring parents have vital childcare options. We also understand that organising and running before & after school clubs can be a real challenge and one which settings often struggle to manage. Read below how a Total Sports ran school club would work at your setting.
How would a Total Sports Before or After School Club work at my School?
- The most common approach schools take to running their clubs is to couple it with a day, morning or afternoon of PPA or CPD support. This means the coach would arrive early, deliver a club and then go onto deliver PE during the school day. They would then stay at the end of the day to deliver the after school club. This ensures the staff member knows all of your children and families and can promote the club during school hours.
- If schools would like us to deliver a stand alone club, this can be done utilising your sports premium money. A number of schools currently pay for a school club using this fund, meaning their children can attend for free!
- We take control of the admin and management of the club. Schools tell us the hardest part of running a club is often the paperwork, bookings and management. We take control of this, taking all bookings, emailing parents, running the club and dismissing children at the end of the day!
- Our clubs are flexible according to your settings needs. For example, you may want a club to run only set months of the year, you may want a mixture of clubs (gymnastics in the Winter, football in the Spring, athletics in the Summer). You may want to vary your club for all age groups, you may want to open a club for SEND children – we design a club to match your needs!
- Your club will always run. Speaking with schools their biggest concerns are letting their families down if the club providers staff member is unable to attend the school- Total Sports guarantees that your clubs will always run even if your regular staff member is off, ensuring your parents have consistent childcare!
- A School Club can be included in your contract if you are also having a member of our team take PPA or CPD sessions; this would mean the club is free to your parents. We are also able to charge parents for the club – again we work to your needs.